The Assemblage Point is the meeting place of the strands of light which make up a person’s energy field. The position and angle of this point determines a person’s view of the world, their mood and state of consciousness. Shifting this point to a healthy place, at the correct angle, promotes a feeling of well-being. It can help reduce anxiety, increase happiness, relieve aches and pains, control Trichotillomania; the compulsive desire to pull out one’s hair, and increase the flow of money into the lives of the self-employed.

If you feel out of sorts, not yourself, know something is wrong but are not sure what, then shifting this point can make you feel yourself again.

If you have fallen over, had a traffic accident or been jolted in some way, your Assemblage Point is likely to have shifted to an unhealthy position and or angle, so having its position corrected can help speed up your healing process.

This point can also shift to an unhealthy place after you have had a nasty shock, are overly tired or stressed or have had an unpleasant argument with someone.

After an accident or other sudden happening, the Assemblage Point will often right itself, provided it was in a healthy place before the incident.

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Shifting the Assemblage Point will not cure an illness, however by putting you into a state of harmony and balance, whatever else you are doing to promote recovery will be enhanced.

Philena has found that sensitive people are more aware of how different they feel after this procedure has been done. What differences you feel also depends on how far out your Assemblage Point was at the start. Thus if it only needs to be moved a little, you may not feel much different after it has been done. Some people notice huge differences, others are not certain if they feel different or not, though they may notice their life changing for the better over the next few weeks. Some people notice an immediate change whereas others notice it slowly over the next few days.

For most problems, particularly those that you have had for a long time, the Assemblage Point will need to be shifted more than once. This is because it takes awhile for the Point to get used to its new position. When upset by life’s problems this Point will slip back to its old position. Having been shifted a few times the Assemblage Point finally accepts its new position as the right place to be.

Philena shifts the Assemblage Point remotely as she finds this is far more successful that doing it in-person.

£100 per session.

  • For more information on what the Assemblage Point is


"After having had numerous, wonderful healing sessions with Philena, via Skype, I still had a veil of depression and an oppressive mood that for some reason wouldn’t go away. We decided to shift the Assemblage Point to a better position. As I was located in another country, she tried shifting it in my absence. After the first session, I noticed that I got up feeling very different, more positive and uplifted. As for me, it required two absent sessions in order to keep the Assemblage Point in its new position. The changes I felt were instant. Miraculously, the depression was gone as well as the strange negative mood. I was more aware of my surroundings, my energy levels went up, and my motivation for my everyday tasks were higher than ever before. It felt like the veil had simply disappeared and I could be back to being the person who I have always been. I have never met Philena in person, but her psychic abilities and accuracy are beyond words."

M., Spain